Altar Your Life

Altar Your Life

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Ok, So I Saw It

I know I said I wouldn't go see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Not that I have anything against Captain Jack Sparrow. I'm just getting a little uneasy about this whole re-make craze. Everything is a re-make. Are we that devoid of imagination that we can't come up with even semi-original material. I understand that the first Willie Wonka film was not as true to the book as it could have been, and this pissed off the author. I understand that this one seeks to insert the story of Willie Wonka back into the plot. I understand the virtue of this task, but still, REMAKES! It's like we're saying to the creators of these films, genres, and TV shows, "Your work sucked. We can do it better." I'm waiting for the re-make of Casablanca or Citizen Cane or Metropolis or The Godfather. Hell, why not Schindler's List! It could be better, am I right!? We could add some CGI to the death camps and make them look really realisitic! But I digress. So, it was my mother's birthday. I got her a gift. We went to dinner. I suggested we go to a movie. I figured this might be a film mom might like, so I says, "What about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?" She says, "Sweet." So we go. Now, I will admit that it was, in fact, a very cute movie. I laughed a lot. It was well done. I generally cringe at anything Tim Burton does (Batman, anyone?), but this one was much better. It did have that Tim Burton, creepy, need to see a shrink feel to it, but it was a good kid's movie that you can take mom to see. I was wondering, also, why it got a PG rating. There's nothing PG about it. It's G all the way. So, there you have it. I enjoyed Gilbert Grape's new film, my mother is a year older, and I'm waiting patiently for the contemporary re-mix of The Godfather.

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