Altar Your Life

Altar Your Life

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Well, I was bored in the office the other day, so I went to my house blog, the Iredell House, you know. Anyway, I was checking to see if any of my housemates have posted anything blog-worthy lately. No one had, so I thinks to myself, "I wonder what other blogs are out there in the vacuum of cyberspace." So I click on "next blog" to find out. Well, there are just hundreds of bored lonely people out there with nothing better to do but create these stupid blog things. But the hook was there. I thinks to myself again, "Gee, Barry, you could do your own private blog. " So here it is, my own private blog. I keep telling myself that I'm not a looser without a life. No! I am a man! With his own blog. Damn skippy. Now all the world can have access to my wit and charm without having to go through the druggery of seeing me face to face. So, then, let me speak to the yet unknowing world how these things came about. So shall You hear of carnal, bloody and unnatural acts; of accidental judgments, casual slaughters; of deaths put on by cunning and forc'd cause; And, in this upshot, purposes mistook Fall'n on th' inventors' heads. All this can I truly deliver.

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