Altar Your Life

Altar Your Life

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

So, here is why I hate Chris Claremont. Well, I shouldn't say that I hate the man. I just think he needs to retire and be done with life. Now for those of you who care, Chris Claremont fancies himself a writer. I think he sucks, but, then, here I am writing a blog, so on what grounds do I make such judgments? Anyway, Claremont writes Comic Books. Particularly, he writes for the Uncanny X-Men. He had this task for most of the 1980's and returned to the helm about a year ago. The man is looney tunes. I myself adhere to the Stan Lee vision of comics. If the story is good, people will read it, love it, and be loyal to it. Claremont forgot that somewhere along the line. The X-men are supposed to be a band of mutant vigilanties who were brought together by Charles Xavier to use their extraordinary powers to aid in the quest for peaceful co-existence between humans and mutants. "They fight for a world that fears and hates them," so the line goes. So, they fight mutant terrorists like Magneto, for example, who wants mutants to rise up and overthrow the human oppressors. The X-Men, like many superhero types, find themselves in many extraordinary situations. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find them out in space caught up in the middle of an alien civil war. No big deal, really, but in the end they always come home to fight for the world that fears and hates them. Claremont never seems to get that second part. He always creates these lame-ass scenarios that put the X-Men completely out of their element and won't let them come home. It's getting old. Take a clue from Bendis, Chris! Old is good. Tradition is good! Crappy writing and bad plots don't work. Just my opinion. In the end, I suppose, it's a pretty nerdy thing to be complaining about the X-men. Oh, well. Maybe next time I'll write about the communicatio idiomatum or something like that. That'd be great!

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