Altar Your Life

Altar Your Life

Monday, July 18, 2005

Loved Batman, liked Fantastic Four, ok with Star Wars, dug Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Refuse to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, waiting for the next big thing. All in all, it's been a pretty disappointing summer of movies. Batman was great. I'd say it was the peak of the season. Star Wars was just ok. It didn't suck as bad as the first two, let's just say that. I actually liked Fantastic Four, but, then, I'm a big FF fan anyway. You have to understand the characters to like the movie. But, I liked Daredevil too, when many people didn't. I'm strange like that I guess. One film I haven't seen, and might not now that I think abou it, is War of the Worlds. I have two reasons for this. 1. Tom Cruise is a bad actor. There I said it. Yes, he is not talented. Just because you make millions of dollars per flic and make an ass of yourself on Oprah doesn't make you a good actor. 2. Speilberg has lost his edge. People assume that if he is the one directing that it's automatically going to be good. Well...two letters for you: AI. 'Nuff said. Mr. and Mrs. Smith was fun. Violence, even for a pacifist, can be quite enjoyable. Actually, I watched this one in Oklahoma City. I was on my way back from Church Camp, which was necessled in the woods on Lake Texoma. As a staff person, it is always a stressful week. To boot, I actually didn't sleep the last night. So my trip back to Stillwater was a difficult one. I decided I needed to stop in OKC for some mindless activity that required no energy at all. So, I watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It was fun. And finally, I refuse to watch a film with Gilbert Grape trying to be Willie Wonka. Well then...I'm running out of things to say. I'll stop now.

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