Altar Your Life

Altar Your Life

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

What's My Problem!

Ok, so it's been several months since I updated this blog. What can I say, I've been busy. Yeah, you heard me...busy! What, I can't have a life outside the internet? So, here's been my life since last I posted. Went to Belize, almost died...twice. Finished my work in Oklahoma, sad to leave. Back in North Carolina at Duke Divinity School. Oh, yes, Duke. I hear the Divinity School dodge ball team is back to kicking ass. Injuries so far: One broken toe, one damaged knee. No broken arms this year...yet. Already at mid-term. It's Reading Week. Screw you Law School! Oh, yeah. We get a full week. I bet Yale doesn't even get a full week. So far I've gotten zero work done, unless you count re-cataloging my comic books and getting in half a season of Cheap Seats. I bought some classic and soon-to-be classic DVD's the other day to help give me more excuses not to study. These gems are: The Lost Boys (you heard me. The 80's vampire great starring Kiefer Sutherland and both the Corey's), Suicide Kings (you know, the one with Christopher Walken...he's my boy!), and last year's great, Hero, starring Jet Li as a confused but determined Chinese assassin in ancient (yes) China. We thank Quentin Tarrentino for bringing the last one to us, and we thank Target for putting it on sell for only $10 (yea Captialism!). Well, other than all this (it's a lot isn't it?) here I sit with nothing to do but wait until it's time for me and my more interesting friends to go bowling at 8:00. Yes, people still bowl. I mean, really, what do you do when you're a Divinity Student. Can't go about picking up the hookers. Can't get drunk (well, that's not really true - just ask my good friend Bud). Can't go off shootin' up on this or that drunk of fancy. Nope, all we got is bowling. That...or actually study. The hell with that. I can dig bad nochoes and Billy Ray Cyrus look-a-likes. Well, that's about enough, I suppose.

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