Altar Your Life

Altar Your Life

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

What's Up With That

So, there's this strange phenomenon, I'm finding, in which we unwittingly try to pray for things that ought not to be prayed for. Example: "If you would please turn your attention to the list of prayer concerns...Let us all keep in mind the terrible earthquake in Pakistan. I think that it goes without saying that we should pray for the earthquake and all the victims in Pakistan." Hmmm. Now if you're not careful, you might just pass by that seemingly harmless statement. But wait! "Pray for the earthquake." What kind of freakin' earthquake is this that it needs our prayers? It's like that old WWF wrestler... you know, the one who was named after some technical earthquake term, like "Richter" or "Seismic". He was a big fat dude who's great wrestling move was sitting on people. Anyway, if it's this guy we need to pray for, I can dig that. I mean, really, he obviously needs to loose weight, maybe even get a real job. But, alas, we pray for a natural disaster. And I wonder what this means, even? "Oh, God. We pray for this earthquake (whom we now name Schmitty) that he will continue in strength and ferosity. May your Spirit guide and uphold Schmitty under the shadow of thy most holy wings. En nome Patri et Filiis et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen." Well, anyway, at least we don't really name earthquakes like we do hurricanes. Can you imagine those conversations. "Hey, Bob. You know what today is, doncha? Yeah, it's the anniversary of the day Mable opened up the earth and swallowed my family into the depths of Sheol. Yeah, sucks." Anyway, I do pray for all of the victims of the earthquakes in Pakistan and Guatamala. May the Church be true to her calling.

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