Altar Your Life

Altar Your Life

Thursday, December 01, 2005

You Heard Me!

Here's why I'm a big nerd: I can actually recite from memory "In brightest day or blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight; Let those who worship evil's might, beward my power - Green Lantern's light." Oh, yes, my friends. I know the oath of the Green Lantern. Yet, I'm convinced that we all have small things that make us big nerds. Bo, for example, owns 783 orange shirts (one for every Eddie Sutton basketball victory). Bud can sing all the words to every song on the Cornhusker highlight videos. Thunder gets sick joy from beating up on 9 year-old Uzbek children via his Halo uplink. John Thompson keeps 3 full cases of KY jelly on hand at all times...just in case of an emergency. Jonathan Kelly...well, he loves Jesus and America too, so I guess that's kind of nerdy. My point is that it's ok to be weird, mainly so that you can have something to shove down your friend's throats when they start gettin' all cocky about their pure Thomism or New Perspectives or paradigm shifts or problematized jibaty-jee and cookaly-coo. So I leave with this, an excerpt from that greatest of tomes, William Shatner's Star Trek Movie Memories.

"He'd have found Scotty bored out of his mind to the point where he's now spending his days taking apart the Klingon bird of prey last seen in Star Trek IV in a futile attempt to at last uncover the secrets of her cloaking device. Uhura is next, equally bored, working for a Federation radio station as the host of a call-in advice program. Chekov too is uneasy, yawning his days away at a chess club while repeatedly trying in vain to defeat highter life forms with special Russian strategies. Finally, Kirk finds McCoy most unhappy of all. Hailed as a conquering hero, Bones is nonetheless drunk and disorderly at a high-society medical dinner in his honor. Disgusted by the money-hungry healers he's forced to endure in the civilian world, even the dependably cantatnkerous Bones jumps at the chance to once again become useful aboard the Enterprise."

Pure gold.


Bo the Fat said...

oh my God Barry! i'm going to nominate this for best post! it is fucking brilliant! KY JELLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thunder Jones said...

Sweet diggity, I hate Uzbeks!