Altar Your Life

Altar Your Life

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The "Man" Has His Own Blog

This is just a point of interest. It seems that bishop Will Willimon has his own blog. I find this funny, basically because I've always kind of felt like Willimon was a little caught up in himself. Don't get me wrong. I think he's a great voice in the Church and, from the little I've read, a good bishop. But, come on, the title of the blog is "A Peculiar Prophet" (the title of the recent book written in his honor). Now, I will concede that he probably doesn't keep the blog up himself. It's essentially postings of his sermons. I'm sure his assistant or someone else in the Northern Alabama Conference office does all the work, but still, it seems a bit...I don't know...odd. After all, this was the same guy who had a website devoted to his "campaign" for the episcopacy in 2004. Anyway, if you're looking for regular words from the bishop of Birmingham, check out his blog at

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