Altar Your Life

Altar Your Life

Monday, October 17, 2005

Aha...I Think

So, there are moments when it all seems to come together. Take today for instance. I had found myself deep inside that oft-forgotten realm of ill-conceived theological formularies. I think it's safe to say that I was is a slough of dispond called Thomas Aquinas. Now I don't want to be too harsh on St. Thomas. After all, his work is still forming the Church in her practice and faith today. That, too, is an understament. Yet, I, even I, was having difficulty making sense of Thomas's Trinitarian doctrines. So, there I sat in class, with little to go on except that "Aquinas is very Trinitarian. How, why, and to what extent. What is the difference between procession and mission?" Very good questions. My response? I don't have a damn clue. Then suddenly, the roof of 110 Gray was suddenly ripped off. Lo, the throne of the Most High stood upon the great seat of the Church (and by this I mean Duke Divinity School. Eat that Yale). Surrounding the throne were myriads upon myriads and thousands upon thousands of seraphim who chanted unceasingly, "Aquinas and Augustine are exactly the same. Their hermeneutics are just differnt. Aquinas understands that the processions in the Godhead have been revealed to us by means of their mission. Processions in se; Mission economic." Well, I must say, at first I was stunned that angels could chant this so clearly and without stuttering even once. But then I realized, "Aha! Mission is in time, procession is in eternity." Ok, so why is this important, you ask? Good question. My answer? I don't have a damn clue. Well, at least I feel like St. Thomas and I had a real moment of bonding.


Bo the Fat said...

"even I" eh barry? good to see humility coming through...har har

Thunder Jones said...

har har indeed!

Did you mistake Wainwright for God again?

Bo the Fat said...

thunder, what the fuck are you doing on that couch in your picture? what is that black blob between your crotch? good god man, decency!

and by the way, what are you watching? ellen re-runs again? are you done with all of your "real estate" business? get back to work!

Thunder Jones said...

It's my cat.