Altar Your Life

Altar Your Life

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

A List of Misses

As I prepare to move to El Reno, I am finding that there are many things I will miss deeply about Guymon and Victory Memorial. Here is a highlight list (not in any particular order):

1. The Urban Bru
2. Sunsets
3. Variety Show and Cake Auction
4. Music on Main Street
5. Taco Shop
6. Novak Fresh Eggs
7. Soccer Games
8. Every Morning is Easter Morning
9. Repairing the Bus (again)
10. "May the Lord Bless You and Keep You..."
11. Horses
12. Outreach Committee Meetings
13. Keilbasa with Coach
14. CLEW Camp
15. Late Night Coffee at J & Js

This is only a small list of the things I will miss. The full list is much longer and growing, but these are some of the highlights. What would you put on the list if you were moving?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Things I still miss about the Panhandle after 3 year:
cool mornings, even in June
Taco Shop Friday
sunrises, sunsets
the wind (crazy, I know)
but mostly, the people. I have found that the people of the Panhandle are a special breed. Blessings as you prepare to leave such a wonderful church and as you prepare to begin a new stage of ministry with the people of El Reno.