Altar Your Life

Altar Your Life

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My Kingdom for a Super Target!

Well, it's officially official. I have successfully completed seminary and moved back to God's country. The only thing is, I was pretty sure God's country was in Oklahoma, I just didn't know it was the Oklahoma Panhandle. Sigh. Yet, there are more glorious things to be had out here in the desert. I am now the Associate Pastor of Victory Memorial United Methodist Church. That's right. I'm now Reverend Barry Bennett. Life isn't so bad out here in No Man's Land (no seriously). I have a sweet parsonage, a nice office, a great staff (even a secretary!), and lest we forget, a regular salary. Ah, the love of God! Oh, to grace, how great a debtor! And betwixed them thou hast diedst for...oh, hell, I don't know what I'm saying. But really, it is an amazing thing that this God I serve would be so foolish as to choose someone like me for his Church. I can't really explain why, but I am certainly grateful. And to all ye naysayers out there, yes, life in the parish is pretty good. It's busy and demanding, but it's rewarding. I have learned in these past two months of ministry, one must laugh at life. As one of my duties at the church is handling emergency assistance (utilities, food, clothing, etc.), I have been engaged with the true brokenness of humanity. Finding hope in the midst of despair is part of what I do. And, because of this, I must laugh. To that end, I think I will start publishing my "quote of the week". I must be careful, however, that I do not get myself in trouble. The last thing I need is a parishioner calling me up angry because I posted for all the world to see some random funny thought of theirs. But, I'll chance it at least this once. So here it is: the quote of the week.

"I like Yoda. He's a good guy."


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