Altar Your Life

Altar Your Life

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

It's a Divine Life

So here's my thought: facutly jazzercise. I mean, really. Wouldn't that be hilarious? Duke Divinity faculty jazzercising. Just the thought makes me laugh. Or better yet...faculty super hero personas. I suggest a five member team of earth's mightiest super scholars. David Steinmetz is "The Tecnocrat". He has a super intellect far beyond that of normal, old senile men...and his walker converts into various cool futuristic type of tools and weapons. Stanley Hauerwas is "Tex". He's just basically the asshole that everybody loves to hate and hates to love (and he can fly). Elen Davis is "Sister Shalom" (also the token woman). She can conjur up all kinds of Old Testament fury, like pillars of fire and lighting and thunder (though generally only in close proximity to mountains) and other wrath of God stuff. Willie Jennings is "Rampage" - basically your run-of-the-mill super strength, super invulnerability, with an attitude sort of hero. Finally, we round out the team with "The Padre" (also known as Warren Smith). He's got kickin' hand to hand combat skills, but also super advanced armor that gives him the ability to fire energy beams from his fists. Together, this team of super scholars fights evil (process theology, gnostics, Bowser) and oppression (Yale) whenever threats arrise.

Ok, so that's about as nerdy as it gets. It's late, and I'm tired, so whatever.